Saturday, April 16, 2016

The book that changed my life

4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris
I dont usually read a lot. But when I read I will get hooked and finish it by the time i knew it. Provided its a good book. This book especially the first 20 % parts of the really get me thinking about my entire life. What Ive been wanting and postponing it all these while. The "mini retirement" was a brilliant idea. Here is what Ive highlighted in this book to share with you and worth mentioning.

Dodging bullets
Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action-Benjamin Diraeli, Former British Prime Minister

The end of time management
If you had a heart attack and had to work two hours per day, what would you do?

Interrupting interruption and the art of refusal
$20 per hour is how much you are paid or value of your time. This would be the case, for eg. if you are paid $40k per year and get two weeks of vacation per year ($40k divide by [40hours per week x 50 = 2000] $20/hour). Estimate your hourly income by cutting the last three seroes off your annual income and halving the remaining number (eg. $50k/year = $25/hour)

Income auto pilot
People cant believe that most of the ultrasuccessful companies in the world do not manufacture their own products, answer their own products, or service their own customers.

Income autopilot
Our goal is simple: to create and automated vehicle for generating cash without consuming time.

Thats about it. For more you can watch the video of his book summary or download his book here.


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